Adequate holiday is extravagant for a supervisor working in a highly competitive private enterprise. Now and then I enjoy two full holidays at home without any annoying disturbance. My mom was into the drama - "prison break" last week, and so do I since yesterday. It is allegedly a most breath-taking drama. Just like authentic gold sustains flames, a good drama wouldn't disappoint the drama fans. "Prison break" delineates a very smart structural engineer - Michael Scofield who always surprises audience by his creatives and calm reaction. His brother was set up to the prison and arbitrarily sentenced capital punishment. Michael is trying to rescue him within a month. To achieving that, Michael even become a bank robber on purpose, so he can be nabbed and put in the same jail with his brother. Be careful that this drama can easily fascinate people. You should make sure that you have ample free time before you intend to watch episode 1. Note: Unavoidably, violence and sick behavior may be demonstrated in some scenes.
Nov. 22, '09
To assure me of being able to memorize unfamiliar vocabulary and idioms easier, I am writing some articles by use of these words with hyperlink. Please DO NOT "infer" any conclusion from the content of articles as they are not based on the truth. ^_^ PS. My friend, Please correct me if I use any word improperly, it will be highly appreciated.