When I was young, there were a lot of things I don't savvy. I thought that people is concealing food because of scarcity, the theft event reported on the news is always ending up restitution, Consecutive events happening on the news are simply counterfeit and not genuine, the world is rudimentary, but they're not. I was peeved when the real world was rolling-out the reality to me. I tried extrapolating conclusive root cause from these ludicrous things, but couldn't. Until one day, a video clip - zeitgeist unveiled to me on youtube, I finally understand something about which I have never thought. It's a tremendous movie of which I have never seen before and reveals many secrets which are going to amaze you. - Modern slave system --- Monetary system. - 911 event and terrorism - Truth of religions In the end of the episode 2, a project, Venus Project, is proposed and seems viable. It denotes a beginning of brand new society for human being and is going to be very wonderful for the way of living. I feel like, in a sense, I'm becoming sophisticated in my 30th living year.
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I used to check unfamiliar words with Dr. eye which was installed on my last laptop which belongs to my last company. Dr. eye is quite useful and easy-to-use. Particularly, I like one of its features that it is able to save all the words you want so that you can easily manage a vocabulary list, just for you. You can study these saved words whenever you want. Unfortunately, the laptop I am using now doesn't get Dr. eye installed (don't ask me why :D). So I began to try some online dictionaries. I started with yahoo dictionary which is quite straightforward, you type English or Chinese word and it feedbacks you the translated word. However, it's not aways adequate. Now and then, I just need more than that. Just about one month ago, I occasionally checked a word by use of google dictionary and found that it's very good to use. For the instance of English-Chinese dictionary, it feedbacks you not only the translated Chinese word but also explanation in English. It is quite useful when you cannot fully understand the exact meaning or use case in English. Inherently, it keeps you from improper use of the word. Further, google dictionary tracks all words you have checked so you can trace back and review it whenever you like. This feature is similar to the function as what Dr. eye has. (Must login in advance, of course) I don't know how google dictionary achieves, it also lists all relevant translation where sourcing from internet. Sometimes it gets more precise meaning of the word. For example, when checking the word easy-to-use it is saying "the word is not existing in the dictionary, however, it gives exactly correct and accurate meaning in other translation sources. At present, I am using google's with higher frequency than yahoo's. To leverage such a good dictionary, I have reworded all my previous articles with adding hyperlinks to google dictionary for all unfamiliar words. Hope it helps those people who read my article. (Ha, there is not much vocabulary in this article...Try remembering this - latitude which I learned yesterday. :D
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One day last week, I was invited to the new company for signing on. Unavoidably, there were several contracts and pre-boarding documents need me to sign and I found that there are many words I am not familiar with and often being used in these sort of documents. So, I have to check and learn these words or it's not going to be possible for me to understand the details of the contracts. Here I am listing all the words and phrases I were not familiar with as below, I think it's very worthy to know these words before signing any contract.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Just about every product category has its gold-plated stars. Superbike? Clearly, it's Ducati. MP3 players? maybe the iPod. What do these products have in common? The Ducati motorcycle became the symbol of high end superbikes. It's expensive and looks like normal sports bike, but when the rich riders need to show their style and luxury, they ride a Ducati. The iPod is way more expensive and less features than any competitive MP3 player. It has shiny mirror back which will be permanently covered in greasy fingerprint smudges from the moment you take it out of the elegant package until the battery wears out and you have to throw away the whole thing and buy another. But who cares? The blue chip product in every category is popular despite apparent design flaws. Weird. As the product becomes more and more suitable "to" its "users needs", it becomes more likely to be chosen by customers. So the 40GB MP3 player will "outsell" the 20 GB MP3 player. The easy-to-use phone will outsell the hard-to-use phone. "All else being equal". Makers of the unloved ZEN MP3 players, are learning the hard way. Despite having better products than iPod by just about every reasonable metric, they are unable to even come close to Apple iPod's dominant market share. ZEN MP3 player is inexpersive, has more memory, supports more file formats, etc. Nonetheless they still have only "single-digit" market share while iPod is probably "in" the 80s somewhere. That's because good design can only take you so far. Getting every aspect of the design perfect, making a usable product, making the right tradeoffs between price and functionality, etc, is all fairly important, but the most it can possibly get you is to number 2. Since certain markets seem to be "winner-take-all" markets, being #2 or #3 may not be good enough. It's like beauty. A wannabe model can be tall, with a perfectly symmetrical face, lovely eyes, and still be considered unattractive. On the other hand, you can have a gigantic broken nose, or be completely lacking in eyebrows, and still be People Magazine's Sexiest. How can we get to be #1? That's the mystery here. It's that ineffable quality that certain incredibly successful products have that makes people fall in love with them despite their flaws. Interested about the mystery and want to reveal it? find Joel's relevant series articles to know how to get you a #1 product. ^_^
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Some people don't understand why there are always so many bugs in a developing product. If I can bend your ear a moment, I like to explain how it happens. Let me ask you a question that how often do you make a mistake in your daily job? You probably say "well, it depends. I would make more mistakes if I am new on the position, and less mistakes if I am kind of familiar with all the tasks". See, as long as you realized the bugs are born from engineer's mistakes, you can imagine how many bugs can be made in a complicated product which needs many engineers get involved. The total bug number of a product is close to the sum of every single bug made by involved engineers. Here comes a problem. If you are either a programmer or a tester, how many bugs can you remember at the same time? one? five? ten? Note that you at least have to keep in mind not only the steps to reproduce but also the bug status. The worse part is that you must be confident with the answer when your boss is asking "how is the status of the bug?". How could it be possible? Not to mention that the boss usually likes to know the bug statistic. (ex. Severity-A 10 bugs, Severity-B 21 bugs, etc) Somebody says "Well, I can use post-it notes, can't I?" Yes, you can do that until your boss fires you 'cause you can't find the damn note from hundreds of notes within 10 seconds. Boss normally has no patience, remember that? Above explains why a good software development needs a "Bug Tracking System (BTS)". Quoting from Joel on Software, keeping a bug database is one of the hallmarks of a good software team. If you are working "on a team of ten" which claim that they are professional and don't need any kind of BTS, I would suggest either you persuade your boss to build one or you quit immediately. There are many bug tracking system "on" the market including FogBUGZ which was promoted by Joel on his article. Some useful rules for a BTS, 1. Every bug can only be assigned to one person. A bug is like a hot potato: The assignee can only either solve it or assign it to somebody else. :D 2. Every bug can only be closed by its creator who is most likely a tester but a programmer. 3. Bug status should be real-time reported to every relevant person via e-mail. 4. Once BTS built, programmer shouldn't accept any other kind of bug report, such as e-mail. 5. Avoid the temptation to add new fields to the BTS. Don't easily give in to some clever ideas provided by engineers. If you do, your bug entry will end up with a hundred fields that you need to supply. It results in slowing of a bug report and confusing people.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I still remember that day my ex-boss sent us an e-mail recommending a website -- Joel on Software which is very worthy to read if you consider yourself a software developer or manager. Joel on Software has atranslation project in wiki where is the exact place I was starting with to read his first article. However, I found that there are still many untranslated articles. So I decided to read original website and found that it's real helpful to me because I can learn not only how to be a great software developer/manager but also practice reading in English. Here is the original website: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/ and here is the translation project in wiki http://local.joelonsoftware.com/wiki/首頁 In contrast to reading English news, reading Joel on Software is much appealing to me. Contrary to my articles are kind of contrived, I believe in his articles are written pretty nature and literate. So I start thinking that it could be a good idea if I try to study how he writes an article as a native speaker. My friend, I would highly suggest you to read his article if you have not heard about him who was the program manager of microsoft and is the founder of FogCreek.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I took the TOEIC exam on last Sunday, and it's my second time. The first time was about 7 years ago and I got only 490 score then. I bet I got much better score this time, the outcome is coming in another two weeks, hoping that it would be a exhilarating score. :D I actually had prepared for 2 months for it. It's a pity that I didn't finish my preparation plan because I was busy on the job in recent weeks. However, I am composed to take the exam and it went not so bad (by a fluke). The listening and reading were not so hard to me, I would say it's easier than the simulation exam I took at home. My strategy is simple, I try making my life be full of English as possible as I could. The concrete way I did as below, - Absent-minded to hear English listening practice MP3 when I am driving car, working at office and even jogging in the park, then I could practice my listening almost everyday without spending extra time. It's sort of cost-effectiveness, isn't it? - To print unfamiliar vocabulary on several pieces of A4 paper and stuck in front of my office desk. - To buy several grammars and read them when I have free-time. - To memorize a few vocabulary day by day - To write articles on facebook as you can see. I realize the first way I did is really helpful to not only listening but also vocabulary memorizing. It is my top recommendation to those people who would like to improve their English entirely.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Adequate holiday is extravagant for a supervisor working in a highly competitive private enterprise. Now and then I enjoy two full holidays at home without any annoying disturbance. My mom was into the drama - "prison break" last week, and so do I since yesterday. It is allegedly a most breath-taking drama. Just like authentic gold sustains flames, a good drama wouldn't disappoint the drama fans. "Prison break" delineates a very smart structural engineer - Michael Scofield who always surprises audience by his creatives and calm reaction. His brother was set up to the prison and arbitrarily sentenced capital punishment. Michael is trying to rescue him within a month. To achieving that, Michael even become a bank robber on purpose, so he can be nabbed and put in the same jail with his brother. Be careful that this drama can easily fascinate people. You should make sure that you have ample free time before you intend to watch episode 1. Note: Unavoidably, violence and sick behavior may be demonstrated in some scenes.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Climate Change is becoming major issue to human being. Although natural disaster doesn't occur only in recent decades, people attribute it "to" global climate change because our environment has indeed been being ruined for a long time. Costliest hurricane Katrina in US, typhoon Morakot in TW burying hundreds people's life and happiness, south asia tsunami killing more than 225000 and displacing 1.2 million, all these highlights our environment is dramatically deteriorating. Recently, CNN and YouTube created COP15 for people who would like to submit video clip to raise voice and to debate for our environment. Here is the link, http://www.youtube.com/user/Cop15 Disaster film "2012" is about to braodcast in theaters(Nov. 13, '09). It is very likely to stir people "to action". The plot of film is based on doomsday prediction by Mayan, it's quite appeal to me.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
The research indicates that world population will be over than 7 billion within 3 years. Some people may ask - when will increasing stop? In which circumstance it will culminate? For the past hundred years, civilization has been thriving and benefiting the growing of population in the developed and developing countries. However, people begin to think the possibility of running short of foods in recent years. The so called world food price crisis has been realized as well. That there are too many people live on earth may be one of the problems to cause food price isssue. Unfortunately, many primary reasons which are summarised below are caused by human being. 1. Waste of Foods It's always ironic that some people who live in developed and developing countries are wasting food while some people who live in poor nations are undergoing the lack of foods. 2. Neglect of Agriculture The neglect of agriculture in many developed and developing countries is also one cause of the food crisis. 3. Unreasonable Tax on Agriculturist Another problem is that some governments impose a heavy tax on agriculturist and it results in fewer and fewer farmers. 4. More and More Meat Eater As you probably know, to produce meat consumes several times of food. This phenomenon mostly occurs in developing countries like China and India because they didn't have too many Meat Eater before. In fact, people should be able to work out the solution without too much difficulties as plants are easy to grow up. The recipe for plants are simple, as long as factors like weather, soil, moisture, sunshine, water, are well considered. How can people solve food crisis? The answer is fairly simple, but not easy to prevail over. 1. Preferential tax for agriculturist. 2. Bring in a verdict of guilty to futures broker. 3. Propagate vegetarianism. At last, I am praying for that governments in this world would reach a compromise to protect our unique earth.
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
It is said, without salesman a company is just like the train without locomotive. Though we always see so many salesman job vacancies on the web site of job referral service, in fact, an excellent salesman is really hard to find. A good salesman should map out good selling plan for the market, live with criticism and clique, vie for orders, "go unanswered" with no fear, cater to and cave in to customer's demands, deal with delinquent accounts, calm down under any circumstances, be geared to customers, be enthusiastic on the job, undertake heavy stress and many others that get people frustrated. As it turned out, salesman is not an easy job, is it? But why so many people like to be a salesman? Well, each job has its good and evil. If you were a salesman, you could travel around the world very often( if you were staying at a global corporation), converse with people who live in differnt countries, have more connections with people, visit many cities, clear your mortgage sooner(well, this depends), etc. The track record and product orders are the life of salesman. It decides a salesman being a winner or loser. Being out of the question, to make inroads into the new business is painstaking time for a salesman. He will need to look into any possibility of getting breakthrough, come up with a good proposal to the market and of course work very hard. The remuneration of salesman can be very different, it's a classic job of the winner takes all. A salesman who strolls on the top of Pyramids gets extraordinary reward while the others struggle in bottom level and earn the money by suffering. It's the reality. Once the salesman working with good performance appraisal gets the ladder to climb atop, it's normally an exciting moment. In fact, I believe that all salesmen are keen to go higher position rather than stay low, no exception. How do you say?
Franktcc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
According to the ordinance (By law) in Chu-bei city, all seafood restaurants must get ingredients that are flown in regularly to preserve its freshness. One of the best restaurant named CRABS is my favorite because it's, in all senses, delicious since the chef has plenty of experiences in seafood. CRABS provides variety of seafood such as, clam, lobster, crab, shrimp, scallop, octopus, fish, and so on. The decoration of CRABS is also elaborate, it has an expansive atrium, streamline housing supported by massive stone pillars. Let's back to the meals, they are really good, the best one is the mixed chowder that full up with tasty crab meat and garlic, really awesome. By the way, the curry flavor pasta is also one of the popular meals but don't underestimate its spicy, I saw one time a guy burst into tears due to choking by a spicy meat... The variety of tasty restaurant in Chu-bei is the heritage of Tsin-chu science park, the influx of tourist makes postive feedback to the restaurants, ie, more tourists result in more and more high quality restaurants. However, the gourmets are always choosy, the restaurants would be likely shutting down if they were not very competitive. It's recommended you should come over and try the meal here if you have any chance. Take a stroll after satisfaction from the meal on the weekend, I bet you would feel your disoders are all gone.
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