When I was young, there were a lot of things I don't savvy. I thought that people is concealing food because of scarcity, the theft event reported on the news is always ending up restitution, Consecutive events happening on the news are simply counterfeit and not genuine, the world is rudimentary, but they're not. I was peeved when the real world was rolling-out the reality to me. I tried extrapolating conclusive root cause from these ludicrous things, but couldn't. Until one day, a video clip - zeitgeist unveiled to me on youtube, I finally understand something about which I have never thought. It's a tremendous movie of which I have never seen before and reveals many secrets which are going to amaze you. - Modern slave system --- Monetary system. - 911 event and terrorism - Truth of religions In the end of the episode 2, a project, Venus Project, is proposed and seems viable. It denotes a beginning of brand new society for human being and is going to be very wonderful for the way of living. I feel like, in a sense, I'm becoming sophisticated in my 30th living year.
Video clip of the Zeitgeist 1 (Tranditional Chinese Version)
Venus Project http://www.thevenusproject.com/
Apr. 29, '10
To assure me of being able to memorize unfamiliar vocabulary and idioms easier, I am writing some articles by use of these words with hyperlink. Please DO NOT "infer" any conclusion from the content of articles as they might be not based on the truth. ^_^ PS. My friend, Please correct me if I use any word improperly, it will be highly appreciated.